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Therapy Package

Step 1 - Comprehensive Intake & Assessment

Step 1a) Primary Carer/s Intake Meeting:


This is a valuable first step that allows me to understand your adolescent from your perspective; their personality, strengths, challenges and difficulties, the presence of any risk behaviours, developmental differences and diagnoses, family history, structure and dynamic, your major and minor concerns and most importantly your therapeutic goals for their counselling. These goals may be very different to your adolescent's own goals, but it is important that I hear your goals from the beginning. 


We will also have an in depth conversation about privacy and confidentiality because this can be one of the most challenging dynamics of the three way relationship between parent, adolescent and counsellor; and it is important to me that we are all on the same page about how this will work and which circumstances would warrant a breach of confidentiality (hint: it's not as many as you'd think!). For your peace of mind I will also outline the process I follow if I'm facing an ethical dilemma about whether to breach your adolescents confidentiality. 

This first part of the intake and assessment process is undertaken without your adolescent so that we can talk openly and honestly from your perspective without causing damage to their esteem.  The intake and assessment process is a combination of emailed paperwork and a 60-90 min consultation.  

The fee for this step is $234 payable at the end of the session. 

A Woman Writing at Home

Step 1 - Comprehensive Intake & Assessment Cont...

Step 1b) Adolescent Intake Meeting:


From here, I will see your adolescent for their own Intake & Assessment meeting.  This meeting will take place without the primary carer/s, unless the adolescent invites you to join us.  Now I will get their perspective on their personality, strengths, challenges and difficulties, the presence of any risk behaviours, developmental differences and diagnoses, family history, structure and dynamic, their major and minor concerns and most importantly their therapeutic goals for their counselling. These goals may be similar to yours or perhaps very different to yours, but it's important that they have the opportunity to share their own personal goals for therapy.

In this meeting I will have the same privacy and confidentiality discussion with your adolescent that I had with you, so that we have a shared understanding about how that will work. 

Once your adolescent has a comprehensive understanding of how the counselling process will work, the boundaries of confidentiality & the goals we'll be working towards I will seek their informed consent to engage in counselling sessions with me. If your adolescent consents to engage in therapy, we will go ahead and schedule their first 10 appointments and the review meetings. If your adolescent does not consent, or if they feel like I am not a good fit for them, then we will not move further ahead at this time.  You will have no further fees to pay, beyond the first two intake & assessment appointments.  If the issue was fit, I can refer alternative counsellors for your consideration.

The fee for this step is $156 payable at the end of the session.

Young Man in Therapy

Step 2 - 10 x 45 min Counselling Sessions

Over ten x 45 minute sessions I will work to develop a strong therapeutic rapport with your adolescent so that they are open to receiving support and influence in the achievement of their therapeutic goals.  Where it is safe and appropriate to do so, I will support your adolescent to strengthen their support network, including their relationships with parents / primary carer(s) / extended family / school staff / sports coaches etc.  This may be achieved through social and communication skill development in counselling, or through your adolescent inviting trusted individuals into their counselling sessions for facilitated dialogue. With your adolescent's consent I may also liaise with other support professionals in their life i.e. GP / other allied health professionals / school counsellor etc. 

The structure, content and therapeutic approach are customised around your adolescent's specific goals, interests and motivators. As well as achieving the present goals, I aim to create a strong positive association with help-seeking behaviour and personal growth so that your adolescent feels more comfortable seeking professional support and assistance as required in their future. 

The fee for this step is $117 per session, payable at the end of each session.

Teen Psychologist

Step 3 - Re-Assessment & Review

Although we'll be monitoring progress and adapting therapy throughout the first 10 sessions, it is important that we conduct a formal re-assessment to measure your adolescent's progress toward their therapeutic goals. 

As with the initial intake and assessment, there will be two separate meetings; one with the primary carer/s and one with the adolescent.  In my meeting with you, I will not be disclosing the content of therapy or breaching your child's confidentiality; rather seeking your perspective, observations and reports on your adolescent's progress. 

From here, we will decide whether to continue with regular counselling or if the therapeutic goals have been achieved and you feel confident in supporting your adolescent to maintain their gains, we will develop an exit plan for you to maintain their progress at home and at school. 

The fee for this step is $156 per session, payable at the end of each re-assessment session (one for parent/carer and one for adolescent).

Mother and Daughter

Step 4 - Clinical Report

Upon completion of all intake, assessment, therapy and re-assessment appointments clients may request a Clinical Report.  Clinical Reports are most often required for NDIS planning purposes.  Clinical Reports will include a summary of the client's therapeutic goals, outline of therapeutic interventions, a summary of the client's progress and recommendations for further development. 

The fee for this step is $156 per hour.   

Typing on a Computer

Optional Step 5 - Additional Counselling Sessions (Additional Fees Apply)

Once an initial package of therapy has been completed, you are eligible to book further counselling sessions for your adolescent, at a rate of $117 per 45 minutes. 

Girl in Therapy
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